Know the Rules sign

Red Flag Warnings for Employers
Know when you must take action!

Spot risky situations early, and get proper legal advice in order to handle these cases successfully. We protect your company by creating and maintaining compliant employment law infrastructure and advising our clients before they make costly mistakes.

Risk Ahead road sign cartoon illustration

workplace management style cartoon illustration

red flag bullet   Employee goes out/returns from DISABILITY

red flag bullet   Employee is out SICK and you need medical certification

red flag bullet   Employee COMPLAINS about another employee or his/her supervisor

red flag bullet   Employee says (expressly/implicitly) that he/she is being SEXUALLY HARASSED

red flag bullet   Employee complains that he/she is being HARASSED by co-workers or supervisors or a third party

red flag bullet   Employee says (expressly/implicitly) that he/she is experiencing DISCRIMINATION

red flag bullet   Employee STOPS COMING TO WORK for more than 3 days

red flag bullet   Employee is constantly TARDY

red flag bullet   Employee uses COMPANY PROPERTY improperly

red flag bullet   Employee needs time away from work to TAKE CARE of a SICK RELATIVE

Workplace time off requests cartoon illustration

Workplace time off requests cartoon illustration

red flag bullet   Employee needs time away from work to TAKE CARE of him/herself because of illness

red flag bullet   Employee is PREGNANT or ADOPTING a child

red flag bullet   Employee will not take his/her LUNCH break

red flag bullet   Employee will not take his/her LUNCH break within first 5 hours of work

red flag bullet   Employee calls in SICK on Mondays frequently

red flag bullet   Employee gets HURT on the job

red flag bullet   A worker is classified as an INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR but does not have the requisite independent authority and discretion

red flag bullet   Employee is TOXIC- gossiping, complaining and bringing down the morale

Workplace time off requests cartoon illustration

Put the right policies and procedures in place so that you can feel confident in your workplace operations and employee communications.
Contact us for a free consultation!

Workload and salary inversely proporionate